Taiwan Weekly is a newsletter released every week by Fair Winds Foundation and Association of Foreign Relations that provides coverage and perspectives into the latest developments in Taiwan.

2024 Presidential Election: Contest Among Lai, Hou, and Ko

Although Terry Gou, founder of Hon Hai Precision Industry Company (Foxconn), held four large-scale campaign rallies from southern to northern Taiwan in early May, and reached a climax with a "Peace Declaration" in Kinmen, he was eventually informed by the Chairman Eric Chu of the Kuomintang (KMT) that he will not be recruited as the party’s presidential candidate.

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Hou: Opposed to Both "One Country, Two Systems" and Taiwan Independence

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, the cross-strait stance of Mayor Hou Yu-ih of New Taipei has become a topic of concern for both sides of the political spectrum.

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Poll: Taiwanese Do Not Want DPP to Win 2024 Election

This Monday, United Daily News released an opinion poll on Taiwan's presidential election which has attracted great attention.

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Lai and Hou's Cross-Strait Narrative

The time to nominate its presidential candidate is nearing for the Kuomintang (KMT).

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Mayor Hou Visits Singapore, Faces Terry Gou in KMT Presidential Nomination Battle

New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih met with Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong during his visit to Singapore, which became a highlight of the trip.

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Mainland China Launches Investigation on Taiwan Trade Barriers

As China's military drills around Taiwan have just come to an end, the mainland’s Ministry of Commerce immediately announced an investigation into trade barriers affecting more than 2,000 Taiwanese products, including agricultural, industrial, and textile goods.

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Strategic Lessons from President Tsai's U.S. and Ma's China Visits

When former President Donald Trump of the United States appeared at a Manhattan court on criminal charges, President Joe Biden was in a meeting with his science advisors discussing the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence at the White House.

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KMT and DPP Compete in U.S.-China-Taiwan Relations

It was highly expected that President Tsai Ing-wen, en route on her official visit to Central America, could transit through Washington and speak before the United States Congress.

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Ma Becomes First Former President Since 1949 to Visit Mainland China

Former President Ma Ying-jeou will visit mainland China next week to pay respect to his ancestors during the Qingming Festival and to conduct youth exchanges between the two sides.

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Morris Chang for First Time Expresses Support for U.S. Containing China's Chip Development

Morris Chang, founder of the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), had a conversation with Chris Miller, author of Chip War: The Fight for the World’s Most Critical Technology.

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