Taiwan Weekly is a newsletter released every week by Fair Winds Foundation and Association of Foreign Relations that provides coverage and perspectives into the latest developments in Taiwan.

Is Taiwan Prepared to Face China's Economic Sanctions?

Results of the trade barrier investigation by mainland China, initially scheduled for release on January 12 next year, were unexpectedly disclosed ahead of time on December 15, leaving Taiwan in speculation and commotion.

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Taiwan's Failed Energy Policy

The 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28), which is currently taking place in Dubai, has more than 100 countries vowing to increase renewable energy power generation by three times that of now within the next seven years, with more than 20 countries requesting to increase nuclear power generation three times by the year 2050.

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"Genius" Digital Minister Criticized as Unfit

The work of the Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA), headed by Audrey Tang when it was officially established on August 27, 2022, covers five main areas: information, telecommunications, broadcasting, information security, and the Internet.

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Ko Marginalized?Hou's Momentum Chases Lai

If Chairman Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People's Party (TPP) had known that Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih would invite media personality Jaw Shaw-kong to be his running mate, would he have reconsidered his decision not to formalize the KMT-TPP alliance?

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Why Xi Denied Plans to Invade Taiwan in 2027 or 2035

During the highly anticipated meeting between President Joe Biden of the United States and Chinese President Xi Jinping, Taiwan remained an important focal point.

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Strengthening National Security Resilience Should Not Be Reliant Upon "Silicon Shield"

A recent tabletop exercise war game titled "2023TTX Regional Security Push" has brought together 135 experts from various fields (including 40 from foreign countries) and covered a wide range of political, diplomatic, economic, energy, industrial, medical, and social aspects.

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KMT-TPP Alliance Faces Stalemate, Ko Mulls Separate Course

With the 2024 presidential and legislative elections approaching, a discreet meeting held on October 31 among three prominent figures in Taiwanese politics, namely Chairman Eric Chu of the Kuomintang (KMT), KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih, and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) Chairman and presidential candidate Ko Wen-je, lasted a lengthy 53 minutes but yielded no consensus.

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Defects Emerge in DPP's Anti-China Narrative

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Legislator Chao Tian-lin, who was involved years ago in an extra-marital affair scandal and faced with national security leak allegations, withdrew his re-election campaign for legislator, the seventh DPP-friendly legislator candidate to do so because of controversy.

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Impact of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict on the Taiwan Strait

According to a recent report released by the Strategic Posture Commission of the U.S. Congress, the United States may potentially have to engage in conflicts with both Russia and China simultaneously.

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KMT and TPP Open Cooperation Talks

The Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People's Party (TPP) reached a partial consensus on a possible alliance in a closed-door meeting that lasted for three and a half hours on October 14.

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