

March 14: 
A single-seat Mirage 2000 fighter jet of the Air Force crashed off the coast of Taitung in the morning. Flight officer Huang Chung-kai reported a mechanical failure and was saved himself by parachuting. The Air Force ordered the grounding of 54 existing Mirage fighters for inspection. The exact cause of the failure can only be determined after analyzing the pilot's description and salvaging the wreckage.

外傳有一份俄羅斯聯邦安全局(Federal Security Service,FSB)外洩的機密文件透露,中國國家主席習近平曾考慮在2022年秋天二十大召開前「全面接管台灣」,好順利連任總書記。但在俄烏開戰後,攻台機會消失。

March 16: 
There is hearsay about a leaked classified document from Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) that Chinese President Xi Jinping considered fully taking over Taiwan by the fall of 2022 to support his re-election as general-secretary of the Communist Party. But after the war between Russia and Ukraine erupted, the opportunity to invade Taiwan disappeared. 
Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Wu stated that no matter if China was planning to attack Taiwan or not, the people must be ready to defend themselves at any time. 



March 16: 
The Ministry of Health and Welfare announced proposed adjustments to co-payment in the National Health Insurance system. In the future, fees for medical examination, drugs, and emergency services in major hospitals will increase. Patients will incur 20 percent cost on some pharmaceuticals, and the fee cap will be raised to NT$300 (about US$10.50). The proposed changes are scheduled to take effect in May and impact 14.5 million people. 

央行打通膨決議升息1碼(0·25 個百分點),終結連7凍,十八日生效,這是暌違逾十年的升息,同步跟進美國聯準會升息腳步。

March 18: 
The Central Bank decided to raise interest rates by 0.25 percentage points to curb inflation, ending seven consecutive freezes. Taiwan's rate hike is a first in more than a decade and follows the recent rate increase by the U.S. Federal Reserve System.

拜登與習近平視訊通話前數小時,中國大陸航艦「山東號」18日早上通過台灣海峽,美國「芮爾夫強生號」驅逐艦(USS Ralph Johnson,DDG-114)全程尾隨監控。國防部發言人表示,針對中共機、艦在我台海周邊海空域動態,國軍聯合情監偵系統,都有全程的掌握,確保國家安全。

March 18: 
Hours before the video conference between President Joe Biden of the United States and Chinese President Xi Jinping, China's aircraft carrier Shandong sailed through the Taiwan Strait, and the USS Ralph Johnson (DDG-114) followed and monitored the entire process. A spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense stated that the military's joint intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance systems are fully aware of the dynamics of mainland Chinese aircraft and ships in the sea and airspace around the Taiwan Strait, so as to ensure national security.

第七屆「我們的海洋大會」(Our Ocean Conference, OOC)將於4月13、14日在帛琉舉辦,預計有上百國及國際區域組織代表與會,我環保署長張子敬將是少數獲邀發言的政府代表。

March 18: 
The seventh Our Ocean Conference (OOC) will be held April 13 and 14 in Palau and attended by representatives from hundreds of countries and international and regional organizations. Minister Chang Tzi-chin of the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, is among the few government officials invited to speak.
The United States, a co-organizer, reportedly "advised" Taiwan to avoid using its official name and symbols of sovereignty such as the national flag. 
The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that Taiwan will actively participate in the OOC on the premise of safeguarding national dignity and based on the principles of professionalism, pragmatism, and contributions and also seek the best arrangement.

3月20日為國際幸福日,根據聯合國發布的2022年全球幸福指數排行榜,World Happiness Report 2022 ,在146個國家地區中,芬蘭連續5年蟬聯冠軍,台灣排名第26名,位居東亞第一。(不過表格中把台灣列為Province of China)。

March 20: 
The International Day of Happiness is observed. According to the World Happiness Report 2022 released by the United States, Finland placed first among 146 countries and regions for five consecutive years, while Taiwan ranked 26, the first in East Asia. But the table listed Taiwan as "Taiwan, Province of China." 
The United States ranked 16th, United Kingdom 17th, Singapore 27th, Japan 54th, South Korea 59th, China 72nd, and Hong Kong 81st.


美國總統拜登與中國國家主席習近平18日進行了1小時50分鐘的視訊通話。拜登傳達的核心意思是,中方若向侵略烏克蘭的俄羅斯提供「物質支持」(material support),將為此付出嚴重代價。白宮也暗示必要時不排除搬出「二級制裁」。但針對美方連日來的喊話,習近平依然未表明中方對俄態度,繼續保持模稜兩可,令美中對話沒能彌合分歧。

March 20:
President Joe Biden of the United States and Chinese President Xi Jinping had a video call for one hour and 50 minutes on March 18. Biden’s core message is that if China provides “material support” to Russia, which is invading Ukraine, Beijing will pay a serious price for it. The White House also hinted that it would not rule out applying “secondary sanctions” if necessary. However, in response to American verbal calls over the past few days, Xi still did not express China’s attitude towards Russia, and continued to maintain ambiguity, which made the U.S.-China dialogue fail to bridge differences.