


September 1:

During his campaign, President Lai Ching-te expressed a desire to have dinner with Chinese President Xi Jinping. However, in a recent television interview, when asked if he had considered meeting Xi, Lai stated that he hasn't thought about it. He emphasized that Taiwan cannot accept the "1992 Consensus" based on the "One China" principle. He also countered the "Lai skeptic" narrative, stating that Taiwan and the United States have excellent communication channels.




September 2:

Mainland China's General Administration of Customs announced the resumption of imports of Taiwanese pomelos. The Taiwan Affairs Office of the mainland's State Council stated that as long as the "1992 Consensus" is upheld and Taiwan independence is opposed, "family" matters can be discussed and resolved easily. The mainland's General Administration of Customs had suspended the import of Taiwanese citrus fruits since August 3, 2022, due to the detection of quarantine pests.




September 2:

To prevent the theft of high-tech secrets by mainland China, the Investigation Bureau, Ministry of Justice, launched a large-scale investigation in late August into eight mainland Chinese companies suspected of establishing bases in Taiwan using offshore funds or fake Taiwanese or foreign investments, or poaching high-tech talent. A total of 30 locations were searched, and 65 people were questioned.



September 3:

In recent years, Japan has repeatedly spoken out on Taiwan Strait issues, which Beijing perceives as hyping the notion that "a Taiwan issue is a Japan issue," playing the "Taiwan card." In response, Beijing plans to counter with the "Ryukyu card." Hong Kong's Sing Tao Daily reported that Dalian Maritime University will establish the first Ryukyu Research Center. The article suggests that Beijing might use the non-recognition of Okinawa as Japanese territory as a countermeasure, tit for tat.




September 3:

Mark Liu, former chairman of the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), attended the first meeting of the Executive Yuan's Economic Development Advisory Committee, and analyzed the direction of Taiwan's economic development. He is optimistic about the prospects of four major industries: space, green energy, databases, and biotechnology. He particularly highlighted the database industry as a "gift from heaven." If Taiwan develops cooling systems, it will make the world "rely on Taiwan."



賴總統在節目專訪表示,中國大陸想拿下台灣並非為了領土完整,而是想成為能改變世界秩序的霸權,否則為何不收回當年被俄羅斯侵占的領土? 中方沒有回應;但羅斯外交部發表聲明反駁,稱俄中於2000年代簽署條約已解決邊界問題,台灣當局無權代表北京發言,更直斥賴發言為狗吠。 September 3:
In a program interview, President Lai stated that China wants to take over Taiwan not for territorial integrity but to become a hegemon capable of changing the world order. Otherwise, why not reclaim the territories taken by Russia in the past? Beijing has not responded; however, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement refuting Lai's remarks, stating that the border issues were resolved through treaties signed in the 2000s. It also criticized Lai as a "barking dog."



美國在台協會新任處長Raymond Greene首度與媒體見面。Greene指出,台灣並不是中國以恐嚇和脅迫改變現狀的唯一目標,愈來愈多國家意識到與理念相近夥伴合作的重要。這不是為戰爭做準備,而是要避免戰爭;維持台海和印太地區戰略平衡,能促進兩岸和平對話,解決紛爭。

September 4:

New Director Raymond Greene of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) met with the press for the first time. Greene indicated that Taiwan is not the only target of China's intimidation and coercion to change the status quo. More and more countries are realizing the importance of cooperating with like-minded partners. This is not to prepare for war but to avoid war; maintaining strategic balance in the Taiwan Strait and Indo-Pacific region can promote peaceful dialogue and resolve disputes.



民眾黨主席柯文哲被控於台北市長任內圖利京華城改建容積率,遭台北地方法院裁定羈押禁見。 民眾黨舉行緊急擴大會議,定調賴政府濫用檢調司法工具,對柯展開政治攻擊與司法追殺,將全黨動員、全國開講,對抗「綠色新黨國」。 應變小組共同召集人黃國昌更透露,美國在台協會曾聯繫民眾黨溝通,但不便轉達內容。

September 5:

Chairman Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People's Party (TPP) is accused of intent to profit the developer of the Living Mall project during his tenure as Taipei mayor and was detained by the Taipei District Court. The TPP held an emergency expanded meeting, accusing the Lai administration of abusing judicial tools for political attacks and persecution against Ko. They announced a full-party mobilization and nationwide talks to counter the DPP's "new party state." Legislator Huang Kuo-chang, co-convener of the response team, revealed that the AIT had contacted the TPP but did not disclose details.