
金融時報引述多名消息人士說法,中國大陸國家主席習近平於2023年4月與歐洲聯盟執行委員會主席Ursula von der Leyen會面時表示,美國試圖刺激他攻打台灣,但他不會上當。這是習首次對外國領導人提出此觀點。

June 16: 
According to sources cited by the Financial Times, during his meeting with President Ursula von der Leyen of the European Commission in April 2023, Chinese President Xi Jinping warned that the United States was attempting to provoke China into attacking Taiwan, but he would not fall for it. This marked the first time that Xi expressed this viewpoint to a foreign leader.
Xi also emphasized that conflict with the United States would undermine China's achievements and hinder his goal of achieving the "great rejuvenation" of the Chinese nation by 1949.


June 18: 
A mainland Chinese ballistic missile submarine was spotted off the coast of Kinmen Island, moving from south to north towards the mainland. Based on photos taken by fishermen, it appears to be a Type 094 ballistic missile submarine, known as the "Jin" class by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The submarine's location is approximately at 24°N, 118°22’E, still within China's territorial waters west of the median line of the Taiwan Strait.
The Ministry of National Defense confirmed this information through surveillance methods but did not disclose further details.


June 18: 
The upcoming Han Kuang military exercises scheduled for July will cancel all offensive operations. Is this an effort to reduce cross-strait military tensions? Minister of National Defense Wellington Koo clarified that this decision was unrelated to sensitive issues. Instead, the decision was made by Chief of the General Staff Mei Chia-shu to focus on realistic scenarios for verification.
Defense experts, however, believe that canceling adversarial training may send the wrong signal and embolden the People's Liberation Army (PLA).


June 18: 
President Lai Ching-te's approval rating has dropped to 48.2 percent, a significant decline of 9.8 percentage points since taking office. Additionally, satisfaction with the cabinet’s performance is even lower, with only about 43 percent of the public expressing satisfaction. The Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation (TPOF) sees this as a serious warning, as President Lai lost the support of nearly 2 million voters in less than a month.
Another survey by Mirror Media shows that 48.5 percent of the public is satisfied with the government's policies, while 47.9 percent are satisfied with cabinet officials.

拜登政府宣布對台出售720架攻擊型無人機彈簧刀300型與101套SB300射控系統;291套ALTIUS 600M-V無人機系統,這是拜登政府本月第二度對台軍售,總額約3.6億美元。

June 19: 
The Biden administration announced the sale of 720 attack-type drones to Taiwan, including 300 Spring Blade drones and 101 sets of SB300 control systems. Additionally, up to 291 ALTIUS 600M-V drones were approved for sale. The total value of this arms deal is approximately $360 million.
The Spring Blade drones are asymmetric weapons used by the Ukrainian military. The U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) stated that this sale will enhance Taiwan's security, contribute to regional political stability, military balance, and economic progress, and will not alter the fundamental military balance in the region.


June 19: 
President Lai Ching-te announced the establishment of three task force committees under the Office of the President on climate change, defense resilience, and health promotion, with him as the convener. This move triggered controversy over power expansion and institutional overlapping. In response to media inquiry as to whether the invitation of Chairman Tung Tzu-hsien of Pegatron, who supports nuclear power, to join the climate change committee means that there is room to revise the current energy policy, President Lai stated that the issue will be left to the committee to discuss and devise solutions.


June 21: 
Mainland China issued an "opinion" regarding the punishment of stubborn Taiwan independence advocates. The opinion specifies that secession and incitement of secession can result in the death penalty, lifelong accountability, and even trial in absentia. China passed its anti-secession law in 2005 but lacked specific sentencing standards until now.
The Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) criticized this move, expressing regret and urging caution for Taiwanese citizens considering travel to the mainland.


June 21: 
The Legislative Yuan deliberated on the Executive Yuan's return of legislative reform bills, and the opposition parties joined forces to reject the proposal. Despite this, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) caucus of the Legislative Yuan and Executive Yuan expressed their intention to request constitutional interpretation. The Office of the President also stated that it would carefully evaluate whether to submit a formal request for constitutional interpretation after receiving official communication.