Xi:Take More Effective Measures to Promote Exchanges, Ma:Handle Cross-Strait Disputes Wisely and Peacefully

Second Ma-Xi Meeting Hour-Long, Made History Again


China Times, April 11, 2024


Former President Ma Ying-jeou led a youth delegation to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the East Hall of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on the afternoon of April 10. This marked the first meeting between a former president of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the leader of Communist China since the two sides of the Taiwan Strait became separately governed in 1949, making this second Ma-Xi meeting another historic milestone.


Ma emphasized to Xi that any outbreak of war between the two sides would be an unbearable consequence for the Chinese nation. He stressed that people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait have sufficient wisdom to peacefully resolve disputes and prevent war. Xi expressed condolences for the April 3 Hualien earthquake and indicated plans to take stronger measures to actively promote cross-strait exchanges, interactions, and integration. He emphasized that as long as there is no split in the country and both sides recognize themselves as Chinese, as one family, people from both sides can sit down and engage in exchanges like family members.


Ma Accidentally Referred to R.O.C., Then Corrected Himself to Say “Chinese Nation”


During the highly anticipated Ma-Xi meeting held in the East Hall, where significant foreign affairs-related events have taken place in the past, the two sides held talks for about an hour. Ma and Xi first greeted each other with a handshake, reminiscent of their meeting in Singapore, and then sat on opposite sides, addressing each other as "Mister" according to the model established during their 2015 meeting in Singapore.  


At the main table of the meeting, the Taiwan side included Ma Ying-jeou, Professor Chiu Kun-Shuan of the Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies, National Chengchi University (NCCU); Executive Director Hsiao Hsu-tsen of the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation; and director Wang Kuang-tzu of Ma's office. The mainland side included Xi; Wang Huning, member of the Politburo Standing Committee and chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference; Cai Qi, member of the Politburo Standing Committee and director of the Central Policy Research Office; Song Tao, Politburo Standing Committee member and Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO), State Council; and Pan Xianzhang, deputy director of the TAO. Both Chiu and Wang participated in the Ma-Xi meeting in 2015.


Ma stated that the Chinese nation has experienced a century of humiliation, but in the past 30 years, through the efforts of the Chinese people on both sides of the strait, it has gradually moved towards the path of common rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Although the two sides have developed under different systems, the people on both sides belong to the Chinese nation and should cooperate with each other to rejuvenate China. However, when Ma mentioned the "Chinese nation," he accidentally said "Republic of China" before correcting himself to say "Chinese nation." Ma openly stated that recent cross-strait tensions have caused anxiety among many people in Taiwan. He remembered Lu Xun's words, "Brothers are still brothers after going through trials and tribulations; when they meet, past grievances disappear with a smile." He also specifically mentioned the original version of the 1992 Consensus, "Each side verbally expresses the 'One China' principle for both sides of the strait." Both sides should adhere to the 1992 Consensus, oppose Taiwan independence, set aside disputes, innovate together, and jointly pursue peace and development.


Xi proposed four firm commitments: to firmly safeguard the common homeland of the Chinese nation, create the enduring well-being of the Chinese nation, forge a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, and achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


Xi emphasized that compatriots on both sides of the strait must resolutely oppose separatist activities and external interference, firmly safeguard the common homeland of the Chinese nation, and jointly pursue a bright future of peaceful reunification. The key to harmonious relations among the Chinese family lies in adhering to the "1992 Consensus," which embodies the “One China” principle. The core of this consensus is a shared recognition of the fundamental fact that both sides belong to one country and one nation, fostering understanding, building mutual trust, resolving conflicts, and seeking consensus. Secondly, the mainland has the capability to lead over 1.4 billion mainland compatriots to a better life and is fully capable of jointly creating a better future with Taiwan compatriots. Xi also stressed the importance of deepening mutual understanding and trust through exchanges and interactions, promoting spiritual affinity, and expressed his pleasure in seeing more mainland people visit Taiwan. After the meeting, Xi Jinping hosted a banquet for Ma at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, where he welcomed Ma to visit frequently in the future.


MAC Calls for Respect for Taiwan Mainstream Opinion


The Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) stated that mainland China's attempts to coerce Taiwan into accepting its unilateral "One China" framework in various ways are the root cause of the unstable situation in the Taiwan Strait. The government maintains its consistent policy of maintaining peace and stability across the strait. It calls on the Beijing authorities to respect the mainstream opinion in Taiwan, acknowledge the objective fact that Taiwan and mainland China are not subordinate to each other, and cease pressuring and intimidating Taiwan. The MAC urges a pragmatic, rational, and mutually respectful approach to resolving differences and addressing issues through official cross-strait dialogue to promote constructive interaction and ensure the well-being and interests of the people on both sides.


Ma’s delegation visited mainland China on April 1 and will return to Taiwan today after the completion of the Ma-Xi meeting.


From: https://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20240411000464-260108?chdtv

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