2025/03/18 - 2025/03/23


南非外交部將官方網站的Taipei Liaison Office更名為Taipei Commercial Office,並從單獨列項改列在國際組織中,外交部提出嚴正抗議。此舉被解讀為本月底完成台北辦公室換址案的重要一步。南非政府去年秋天要求我方駐處搬離其首都普利托利亞,雙方協商迄今無共識。

March 16

South Africa's Department of International Relations and Cooperation renamed the Taipei Liaison Office on its website to "Taipei Commercial Office" and moved it from a standalone listing to being categorized under international organizations. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs lodged a strong protest. The move by South Africa is interpreted as a significant step towards completing the relocation of Taiwan's representative office by the end of this month. In autumn last year, the South African government requested that the Taipei Liaison Office move out of its capital Pretoria, but negotiations remain unresolved.



賴清德總統稱中國大陸是「境外敵對勢力」,美國國務院被詢問此舉是否涉及改變兩岸現況,僅表示注意到賴清德的「政策提議」,請媒體詢問賴總統辦公室。 身兼民進黨主席的賴總統在民進黨中執會又再次表態,中國是我國反滲透法所定義的「境外敵對勢力」,必須採取更積極的作為,保護自由、民主和生活方式。

March 16

President Lai Ching-te referred to mainland China as a "foreign hostile force." When asked whether this statement alters the cross-strait status quo, the United States Department of State only noted Lai's "policy proposals" and directed media inquiries to President Lai's office. As chairman of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), President Lai reiterated during a DPP Central Executive Committee meeting that China is defined as a "foreign hostile force" under the Anti-Infiltration Act. He emphasized the need for more proactive measures to protect freedom, democracy, and Taiwan's way of life.



中共解放軍上、下午兩度對台海周邊發動「聯合戰備警巡」,出動逾60架次機、艦。中共外交部發言人毛寧回應媒體提問,有關軍事行動是對外部勢力執意縱容支持台獨行徑的堅決回應,是對台獨勢力的嚴正警告。間接宣布解放軍在台海附近開展軍事演習。 美國國務院批評中國大陸對台灣做出明目張膽、不負責任地威脅,豈能自稱是動盪世界中的穩定力量。使用"brazen"回應中共軍演,相對罕見。

March 17

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) conducted two rounds of joint combat readiness patrols around the Taiwan Strait in the morning and afternoon, deploying over 60 aircraft and ships. Mao Ning, spokeswoman of mainland China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, responded to media inquiries, stating that the military actions are a firm response to persistent support by external forces for Taiwan independence and a stern warning to pro-independence forces. The PLA indirectly announced military exercises near the Taiwan Strait.

The U.S. Department of State criticized China's blatant and irresponsible threats against Taiwan, questioning how it could claim to be a stabilizing force in a turbulent world. The use of the term "brazen" in response to the PLA drills was notable.




March 17

Anders Fogh Rasmussen, former secretary-general of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and former prime minister of Denmark, criticized the U.S. Trump administration during his opening speech at the Yushan Forum. He questioned how Taiwan and Ukraine should view Trump's foreign policy stance. President Lai and Director Raymond Greene of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) were in the audience. Greene responded that Trump's commitment to world peace is clear. The United States aims to end the war in Ukraine early and strengthen deterrence in the Indo-Pacific to avoid conflict.



漢光41號演習首度以「2027年共軍犯台可能行動」為想定,軍事專家認為,令人感受兩岸間充滿硝煙味。國防部長顧立雄答覆媒體,漢光演習本來就會往後設定1至2年期程並驗證,以達高戰備能力目標。他也坦言,共軍由訓轉戰所需時間,已不如過去所想像地長。 2027年是台海敏感時間點,已有三任美軍印太司令先後指出,解放軍可能在2027年對台採取軍事行動。

March 19

The Han Kuang No. 41 military exercise adopted the scenario of "possible PLA actions" against Taiwan in 2027" for the first time. Military experts noted the heightened sense of cross-strait tension. Minister of National Defense Wellington Koo told the media that the Han Kuang exercises are typically planned one to two years ahead to achieve high combat readiness. He also admitted that the transition time required for the PLA from training to combat is shorter than previously thought. The year 2027 is a sensitive point for the Taiwan Strait, with three successive U.S. Indo-Pacific commanders suggesting that the PLA might take military action against Taiwan by then.



美國總統川普接受專訪時,「加碼」稱台積電投資金額高達2000億美元,遠超過台積先前公布的1650億美元,引起市場震撼。台積電低調回應,以之前宣布為主。 對於市場又傳出台積將揪團拯救英特爾。身兼台積電董事的國發會主委劉鏡清在國會表示,董事會從未討論,「這就像柴油和汽油很難混在一起燒」。劉並表示,台積電最新製程、最關鍵技術一定是在台灣進行順利了才會赴美。

March 19

In an exclusive interview, U.S. President Donald Trump claimed that the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company's (TSMC) investment in the United States would reach $200 billion, far exceeding the previously announced $165 billion, causing a market stir. TSMC responded modestly, sticking to its prior announcement.

Regarding rumors that TSMC might collaborate to rescue Intel, Minister Liu Chin-ching of the National Development Council, who is also a TSMC board member, stated in the Legislative Yuan that the board never discussed such a matter, comparing the scenario to mixing diesel and gasoline, which is difficult to burn together. Minister Liu also emphasized that TSMC's latest processes and critical technologies would only be implemented in Taiwan before being extended to the United States.




March 20

The Central Bank announced that interest rates would remain unchanged and revised this year's economic growth forecast down to 3.05 percent. Governor Yang Chin-long explained the reasons: First, inflation remains controllable, with a gradual downward trend. Second, economic growth has cooled compared to last year, with increased uncertainties from American trade and economic policies. He also mentioned that unless economic growth is significantly downgraded, there are no conditions for easing, hinting that the likelihood of rate cuts this year is low.




March 20

President Lai attended the annual Hsieh Nien Fan banquet of the American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan. He stated that TSMC's expanded investment in the United States represents continued development of U.S.-Taiwan mutual prosperity, with more industries expected to follow suit. This demonstrates Taiwan's global strategy of expanding into the Americas. He also announced expanding procurement of American industrial and agricultural products, as well as natural gas.